Monthly campaigns

January: #Veganuary

January: #Veganuary

February: #FishFreeFebruary

February: #FishFreeFebruary

March: #MeatFreeMarch

March: #MeatFreeMarch

A picture of the Amazon rainforest burning down due to animal agriculture

April: #MeatIsEcocide

Los Angeles Animal Save vigil at Farmer John Slaughterhouse with vegan animal rights activists crowding around a slaughter truck

May: Movement Builder May

Vegan animal rights activists marching in Toronto with a sign demanding justice for all and freedom for animals

June: #JusticeJune

A dying piglet being rescued by Animal Liberation Victoria, a vegan animal rights and open rescue organization

July: Animal Justice Month

Nature reclaiming an abandoned pig farm in Taiwan

August: #AbolishAnimalAg

Rusty pulleys in a Turkish slaughterhouse as documented by Jo-Anne McArthur, a vegan animal rights photographer

September: Slaughter-Free September

Factory farmed pig in slaughter truck

October: #HalloweenIsReal

Baby cow with an animal rights activist friend at Keren Or Sancutary in Israel 2018

November: #NondairyNovember

Picture of a pig eating pumpkins at Farm Sanctuary, a sanctuary for farmed animals

December: #Vegmas

Each of these campaigns will grow in size and impact over the coming years—but only if we can secure the funds necessary to sustain our rapid growth. Please consider donating to help us revolutionize the Midwest, one heart, one mind, one stomach at a time!