Our chapters
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At Project Animal Freedom, we are working to build a thriving network of activists via a chapter system that spans from Lincoln, Nebraska to Toledo, Ohio.
Our hope is to expand animal rights activism to every corner of the Midwest and thereby build the mass movement necessary to achieve transformational individual and institutional change. We strive to become the fourth major chapter-building animal rights organization after Direct Action Everywhere, the Save Movement, and Anonymous for the Voiceless, with an a special emphasis on the Midwest, the region most neglected by the modern US animal rights movement.
Why build chapters?
One of the greatest failings of the modern animal rights movement is the absence of a local animal rights organization in many large metropolitan areas. Across the Midwest, for example, there are 58 metropolitan areas with a human animal population in excess of 100,000, yet just 15—roughly 1 in 4—of these large metropolitan areas sport a local animal rights organization. At Project Animal Freedom, we recognize the vast untapped potential of our movement, and we strive to unleash this unrealized power like never before, building the mass movement necessary to champion transformative individual and institutional change as forcefully as possible.
What is our chapter-building strategy?
At Project Animal Freedom, we are guided by our commitment to reducing the greatest amount of suffering to the greatest extent possible, leading us to be rigorously strategic in all areas of our work, including our chapter-building activities. While we are happy to admit chapter organizers who spontaneously apply to open chapters in their local communities, we will not approve the formation of a chapter unless it satisfies certain criteria that predict a high level of efficacy. Our approach, while flexible, is a largely directed process as we work to build momentum in communities we have deemed most desirable for the establishment of a Project Animal Freedom chapter based on the weighted criteria we have generated for chapter expansion. To learn more about our chapter-building strategy, click the link below.
Where are our chapters?
On Sunday, March 7th of 2021, we made history; after two years and five months of promising we would open our first-ever chapter outside St. Louis by our third year of existence, we finally succeeded in doing so, seven months ahead of schedule. We now plan to add at least 3-7 new chapters every year until we have saturated the Midwest by 2030. To learn more about our current and pending chapters, click the button below.
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Every shirt you purchase is a pledge for compassion, a commitment to change, and a step towards animal liberation. At Project Animal Freedom, we channel every ounce of your support into action—action that reverberates across communities and ignites a revolution in animal rights.