Dear Cher:

Our team at Project Animal Freedom was deeply moved by your recent rescue of Kaavan, “the world’s loneliest elephant.” We are also incredibly grateful for all you have done to champion his release and your ongoing efforts to rescue other animals trapped in captivity through the exceptional nonprofit you founded, Free The Wild.

In today's factory farms, billions of animals live short, miserable lives in some of the most unnatural and inhumane conditions imaginable. Mistreatment, illness, injury, and premature death are common. Those who survive often spend their last minutes in terror and pain.

At Project Animal Freedom, we are dedicated to raising awareness about their plight, and we will never stop fighting until every animal—just like Kaavan and Bua Noi—live safe, happy, and free in animal sanctuaries or safely in the wild. We realize this mission by organizing outreach events, building advocacy organizations at universities, and fostering engaged animal advocacy communities in cities across the Midwest.

Given the overwhelming reality facing animals in factory farms, we would like to request your support in dramatically expanding our outreach to help thousands upon thousands of lonely cows, chickens, and pigs who continue to suffer and die needlessly in these cruel institutions. Lonely, despondent mother pigs, just like S345, need your help:

A mother pig suffering in a factory farm.png

Right now, we could use your help launching 30 chapters in handpicked cities across the Midwest, where a disproportionate number of animals suffer and die in factory farms. Each chapter organizer will receive a $1,000 stipend to facilitate their activism. We could also use additional funding for our College Outreach Program and several of our campaigns, from our #HalloweenIsReal campaign to our #ChristmasOfCompassion campaign.

Would you consider a generous donation of $50,000 to drastically expand our outreach across the Midwest and help lonely animals like S345? Your support would make a world of difference not only for our all-volunteer organization, but for countless animals who will no longer be bred and raised in captivity thanks to the advocacy you will make possible. Here is our donation page. You can also send us a check to 772 Top Notch Lane, Eureka, MO 63025.

With your generosity, Cher, we could usher in a new age of compassion for all animals, no matter their species. This Christmas, give the gift of compassion. What are you waiting for? Donate today!

Until every animal is free,

Kyle Luzynski
Executive Director
Project Animal Freedom

P.S. If you are curious why our mission is so vitally important, please watch the following video.