
Below you will find the current schedule for our first annual Gay Vegan Expo, including the names of each gifted speaker’s galvanizing speech and a brief synopsis thereof.

7-7:05 p.m. CST


Gay Vegan Expo Welcome | Kyle Luzynski (he/him)

Join Kyle Luzynski, our Executive Director, as we kick off the evening by giving you a brief synopsis of our organization and an overview of our first annual Gay Vegan Expo/


7:05-7:30 p.m. CST


Keynote Address | Jane Velez-Mitchell (she/her)

Jane Velez-Mitchell, New York Times Bestselling author and founder of JaneUnChained News Network, discusses what it's like to be a sober, lesbian vegan and how the LGBTQ community, as a whole, can expand its circle of compassion to embrace all living beings. We are all Earthlings!


7:30-8:30 p.m. CST


Queering Animal Liberation | pattrice jones (pattrice)

In this talk, pattrice will share insights learned from animals at the sanctuary, outline the history of LGBTQ+ contributions to vegan and animal advocacy, and explain why “queering animal liberation” may be the key to securing justice not only for animals and LGBTQ+ people but also for the planet as a whole.


8:30-9 p.m. CST


Animal Whites: The Prevalence of White Savior Complex in Animal Rights and Why Building an Inclusive Community Requires More Than Just Lip Service | Christopher Sebastian (he/him)

This lecture introduces participants to the concepts of the white savior industrial complex, white fragility, and the politics of respectability as they occur in the mainstream community. Participants will learn how racism and bigotry pervade our activism and are unconsciously embraced despite our efforts to build meaningful inclusion. Participants will also learn why single-issue veganism will not lead to animal liberation, what comprehensive anti-speciesism looks like, and the dangers of performative allyship to animals and other marginalized communities.


9-9:10 p.m. CST


Ox Qigong: A Primer | Paul Shanahan (he/him, she/her)

Ox Qigong is a body and mind practice incorporating Qigong, the Chinese equivalent of yoga, meditation, lifestyle changes, and social action. Paul’s aim is to help you build strength and resilience in body, mind, and spirit.


9:10-9:20 p.m. CST


Spalife101 & All Things Esthetic | No-Egg Greg

In his presentation, No-Egg Greg will discuss:

  • Vegan LGBTQIA+ Massachusetts, including his reasons for starting the group and his goals for the page

  • his experience as an esthetician, alongside the Zoom classes he offers

  • his long-term goals for the business, including helping the homeless and people with mental health issues

  • how long he has been a queer esthetician and things he has noticed in the business

He will conclude his presentation with a shout-out to his favorite local queer vegan businesses.


9:20-9:30 p.m. CST


For Goodness Cakes Desserts | Drew Maxwell (she/her)

During her presentation, Drew will discuss the importance of:

  1. intersectionality within the queer vegan community,

  2. giving back,

  3. providing accessible options for people wanting to go vegan but feel they are unable to due to circumstances in their life, and

  4. how disabled people fit within the vegan community.

She will also discuss the unfortunate upcharge in making accessible food and how much baking has helped her mental health.


9:30-9:40 p.m. CST


Lancaster Vegan Deli | Maritsa Cortés (she/her)

My experience as an LGBTQIA+ entrepreneur has been an interesting journey for sure! Most people are excited and very supportive but I do encounter those that refuse to work with me. Whether it be because I’m a POC, masc presenting queer, woman, or vegan some people find a way to be offended. I never let that stop me because for every one of them, there are so many more that will support. It’s about finding your tribe and never giving up. I can’t stress this enough… do not give up. There will be bumps in the road, see them as a lesson and not failure. Be in it for the experience, growth and journey, the wealth will follow.


9:40-9:50 p.m. CST


Cubby’s Crusade, Inc. | Christine Paige (she/her)

Christine started Cubby’s Crusade animal rescue in March of 2019 with Kari Busse who had fostered the infamous Cubby. Through her talk, she would like to educate you on senior animals, animals with special needs, and long-distance animal rescue, alongside the importance of fostering and working together to ensure all animals can live safe, happy, and free.


9:50-10 p.m. CST


Where We Go from Here | Kyle Luzynski (he/him)

As our first annual Gay Vegan Expo comes to a close, Kyle Luzynski, the founder of Project Animal Freedom, would like to outline our plan of action for expanding across the Midwest, maximizing our impact for animals, and advancing the total liberationist philosophy.

Register today!

Advancing LGBTQIA+ representation and inclusion in the animal rights movement, supporting phenomenal queer-founded and LGBTQIA+ businesses, and celebrating all things queer and vegan are all steps we can take to not only build the humane economy, but also increase the overall vitality of our movement. What are you waiting for? Register for our first annual Gay Vegan Expo today!