New Year, New You!

Join our Get Healthy Challenge this January and put your life into balance.

The science is clear, and the anecdotes are here. Compared to meat-eaters, there's overwhelming evidence that vegans have about half the risk of type 2 diabetes, half the risk of high blood pressure, 15-20% cancer risk, and lower cholesterol levels.

Simply leaving animals off your plate without knowing what to replace them with may leave you unsatisfied and eventually deficient though. That's why we're challenging YOU to Get Healthy this January!

Get Healthy is a free 30-day program from Vegan Outreach meant for vegans and omnivores alike to learn how to healthfully incorporate plant-based food into your diet.

You'll learn about and receive support on:
-Nutrition many vegans fall short on
-EASY, nutritious vegan recipes
-Raffle prizes for engaging our social media posts and spreading the word!

Thank you to our raffle prize donors